
Web Tools to enhance learning.

No e-tools can act by themselves, and the presence of the teacher will remain being important in any educational context. However,e-tools, in general, can make our jobs as educators and students' roles - as learners- much more pleasant.

Link to download presentation slide show: https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B4Y4fEDXu10bZkFBUUgyaWtGc0k


Activate E-Teacher Alumni Conference Sucre 2012

A group of 24 E-Teacher Alumni working together refreshing knowledge acquired in the e-courses they have been part of, lead by English Specialist Jo Ann Crandall from UMBC.

DAY 1:
Presentation 1: Jodi Crandall: 21st Century Skills
Link to slide show: https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B4Y4fEDXu10bSndDcWE5WGhYVUk
Presentation 2: Gonzalo Fortun: ESP: Teaching English in the Real World
Link to slide show: https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B4Y4fEDXu10bc2pLZkNWTzZJbG8
Presentation 3: Jodi Crandall: Reflective Teaching
Link to slide show: https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B4Y4fEDXu10bS2Vrc3JkQzFSUzQ
Presentation 4: Melvyn Urizar: Web 2.0: Empowering your Teaching
Link to slide show: